Tianfu Health Code Available for Foreign Nationals

Now, foreign nationals, Hong Kong, Maocao and Taiwan residents can also apply for the Health Code. Following is a hands-on guidance.

Step 1 Access the APP

Tianfu Health Code for foreigners

Step 2 Declaration Entry

Tianfu Health Code


Step 3 Special Note of Your Declaration

Tianfu Health Code for Foreign nationals

Step 4 Information Filling

Foreign nationals shall fill in the information based on actual conditions.

Special note: name and ID number must comply with one’s ID documents.

Step 5 Information Review

After being filled, the information proceeds to be reviewed. Within 24 hours the review will be processed. For the declaration that is not complete and fails the review, there will be hint to redeclare.

Step 6 Health Code

Once the declaration is successfully processed, you can log on this APP to see the Code, whose color is classified according to health standards. Health information below the Code can be updated by the Code owner while name and ID Number cannot be changed. Health information can be updated for only once within 24 hours as to avoid malicious manipulation.